Bibi’s Slacker Son


To the tune of “Nowhere Man


Where is Netanyahu’s son?

Far from any Arab gun,

Soaking up the soothing sun near Miami.


Far he heard the bugle blow,

Calling where he would not go.

He’s a long, long way from Dad’s insanity.


Bibi’s boy, no sucker,

But we can’t say, “No slacker.”

Just doing what situational ethics demand.


We all know he’ll see this through,

Doing what he has to do.

Bibi’s boy, can you see that this looks bad?


Bibi’s boy, don’t worry.

Love that sun, don’t hurry.

Rest content that others will take things in hand.


Far he heard the bugle blow,

Calling where he would not go.

He’s a long, long way from Dad’s insanity.


Bibi’s boy, no sucker,

But we can’t say, “No slacker.”

Just doing what situational ethics demand.


Where is Netanyahu’s son?

Far from any Arab gun,

Soaking up the soothing sun near Miami.


Enjoying all the privileges of Florida.

Enjoying all the privileges of Florida.


David Martin




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