Moon Landing: Nice Trip If You Can Take It


                  To the tune of “Nice Work If You Can Get It


We might proudly boast of our astronauts,

While the Russians show off their cosmonauts,

But we have to use exaggeration

To hype their off-earth navigation.

The truth is

The only trip that really shows space conquest,

And, trust me, it can’t be the wrong quest,

Is to the moon—we can’t forsake it.

That’s the best trip of all if you can make it.


A nice trip if you can take it,

But we didn’t even try.

It’s much easier to fake it,

And that’s the reason why.


Planting the Stars and Stripes

On the orb up in the sky,

Nice trip if you can make it,

But as it turned out we didn’t try.


So why didn’t Russia call us out?

They must have known of the ruse.

But who would have told us,

With the control of our news?


These days their reach is wider,

And they’re speaking up now.

“Nice trip if you could take it,

And if you took it

Would you tell us how?”


So why didn’t Russia call us out?

They must have known of the ruse.

But who would have told us,

With the control of our news?


These days their reach is wider,

And they’re speaking up now.

“Nice trip if you could take it,

And if you took it

Would you tell us how?


David Martin




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