Waxing Indignant at the ITMS over Merton


"How dare you?" they said.

What else could they say?

The facts of the case

Would not go away.


Thomas Merton was stricken

In late '68.

To learn all the facts,

We've had a long wait.


The man passed away

Quite mysteriously.

A monk said that he shouted

Around 2, no, make that 3.


Another monk claimed he had showered.

He was wet, don't you see?

But he didn't write that

Until '73.


That monk, they would have it,

Was very nearly a saint.

Could one imagine him lying?

They all say, "We can't."


So, it's upon his fine word

That a fan did Tom in,

And the doubters all come

From some big loony bin.


Of whom are we talking

When we use the word “they?”

Checking the links, you needn’t guess.

It’s those at the top of the ITMS.


David Martin


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