Press Truster (The Remake)


The first debate

Gave Trump a jolt.

His adversary?

Lester Holt.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Said Lester in

His opening line,

The economy

Is doing fine.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Our rulers' Kool Ade

He had sipped

As he held forth

From Clinton's script.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


He made sure damage

Was inflicted.

Whate'er Trump said,

Holt contradicted.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Was he for

The Iraq War?

Trump said "Against."

Holt said, "No, for."


Who you gonna call, press truster?


The facts, it seemed,

Were on Trump's side,

But by Lester,

Trump had lied.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Stop and frisk?

Not by the book.

But where, exactly,

Did Holt look?


Who you gonna call, press truster?


That Trump had questioned

BarackÕs birthplace,

Holt implied

Was based on race.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


While Lester rode

The Donald's back,

WITH HER he took

A kid-glove tack.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Emails BleachBitted?

Pay for play?

If Lester looked,

He looked away.


Who you gonna call, press truster?



Through her career,

From Holt she hadn't

A thing to fear.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Then Hillary

Let out a blast

From a beauty queen

With a checkered past.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


So our MSM

Checks every fact?

You read the news:

See what it lacked.


Who you gonna call, press truster?


Our news machine

That once was free

Is now a pr



Who you gonna call, press truster?


They can't HEEEAR you.


David Martin






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